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3rd annual meeting of the European transport network SEAFOODWAYS

3rd annual meeting of the European transport network SEAFOODWAYS

02/26/2018 - 20:46

MED FRIGO successfully organized the 3rd annual meeting of SEAFOODWAYS, the European transport network (, on September 4 & 5, 2017.

Three years after its creation, the first and only European seafood transport and logistics network is growing to becoming more efficient thanks to the increased cooperation of its partners in France, Spain, Ireland, the Netherlands, Denmark and Greece.

The members of the network had their annual meeting at the new facilities of MED FRIGO in Patras.

It was an excellent occasion for SEAFOODWAYS members not only to present their plans for 2018, but also visit some fish farms.

At the end of the meeting, they had the opportunity to taste some local dishes in a friendly atmosphere.


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